Monthly Archives: February 2016

Chip Whitehouse

Chip Whitehouse is a local artist in Nevada city CA. He uses all sorts of mediums and enjoys everything that has anything to do with art. He studied oil painting at  Indiana University in Bloomington, he also went to fashion school for a year in San Francisco. He was a tattoo apprentice for a couple years and is now working on a collection of acrylic paintings.

I enjoy his art because of the attention to fine detail and all the different mediums he uses.

Fun fact, Chip Whitehouse is Rob Spencer’s favorite artist.

You can see his full portfolio at his website

School: A Poem by Me


I can’t take it,

Feels like drowning.

Most days I cry,

No time to myself.

Maybe I’m dead,

But cursed to live in hell.

Sometimes it feels like death is the only escape.